
"Who is this person? "

In the horse industry, sometimes this is the Million Dollar Question. A name carries a whole lot of weight in certain circles.

But what happens when it's the horse asking the question? 

My approach is that when a horse asks me who I am, I answer with awareness, kindness, patience, clarity, and an open mind. When I meet a new student, I endeavor to do the same. 

I am a life-long horsewoman, and I thoroughly enjoy guiding people to a better understanding of horses and riding. 

I assign homework for all my students regardless of what level they are or how much experience they have. 

I am serious about each and every one of my students making progress, and regularly use photos and videos - which I share with the student via email and YouTube - to help document the process and as an invaluable learning tool. 

I always ask two questions at the beginning of the lesson:

1) What stands out the most from your last ride? and

2) What do you want to get out of today?

I am committed to being your partner in your journey to better riding, not just a tape recording of meaningless, overused and outdated phrases.

How many times has an instructor said something and it went in one ear and out the other, and three weeks later they are still saying the same thing over and over and you begin to wonder what they are talking about and why won't they move on to something that makes more sense?

Or how many times have you been riding and your horse seems uncomfortable, or it's not working out the way your instructor seems to think it should, except you don't know what's wrong and your horse does not seem very pleased but you hope soon it will suddenly all fall into place or your horse will have a change of heart and decide it's not worth it to make your life so miserable?

These things happen when instructors don't really understand where the problem is coming from. 99% of the time, it's the rider that could (and therefore should, I believe) solve the problem.

You ask me a question, and if I don't know the answer, I will research it and get back to you as soon as I can. Unlike a lot of instructors, I actually enjoy when my students ask me questions, because it means they are thinking and processing what I'm saying! I especially love the "how?" questions, because that is when riding skills get really fun.

My toolbox of tools to teach the skills of riding is practically bursting at the seams due to my background in the Mary Wanless 'Ride With Your Mind' method. And it grows constantly since I am always experimenting, reading, collaborating, studying, and attending RWYM events throughout the year. As an Accredited RWYM Coach, it's my responsibility to keep my knowledge fresh and relevant, and I will be gradually working my way up through the ranks of Coach levels as I gain more time in the system. Not only am I a Coach, but I am a student, forever improving my own understanding - as I know I will never learn it all.  - Emily

β€œThe mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” -William Arthur Ward


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